National Eczema Society is a membership organisation and members are encouraged to attend and participate in the Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), usually held in September. You get to hear about the work of the charity over the past year, including the Treasurer’s reports on the Society’s annual accounts. Members are also asked to vote on any resolutions proposed by the Trustees.

For each meeting we produce an AGM Notice, setting out the agenda including the resolutions members are asked to approve. The AGM Notice is made available on our website in good time before each meeting.

Members who wish to receive a printed copy of the AGM papers in advance of the meeting should write to National Eczema Society, 11 Murray Street, London NW1 9RE or email

The Society’s latest annual accounts, for the 2022 financial year, are available to view and download here. Accounts for the 2023 financial year will be finalised and available to read on the website in early September 2024.

The National Eczema Society’s governing document is its Articles of Association.

For more information, contact Chief Executive and Company Secretary, Andrew Proctor, by emailing